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Do tools like Alpine.js & Tailwind make writing HTML fun?
If you told me 5 years ago that my favourite part of coding today was writing HTML I'd call you crazy. But, MY WORD, coding in Blade with Alpine and Tailwind backing it is SUCH a nice experience —
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v.2.7.0 - a small but might Alpine.js release
Tips Tip for bigger Alpine.js components, “x-if” allows you to not evaluate them at all. 🔥 Running into an issue with too many @Alpine_JS components on the page slowing things down? 🐌 If they're
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Is Alpine the best way to add JS to your site?
Building stuff with @Alpine_JS is so much fun. Add the 15kb library to your site and you can pretty much build any ui-component without dependencies. Here's a snippet detecting mobile devices with
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Use "await" inside of Alpine.js event handlers
Last week, Alpine.js 2.6.0 landed with a couple of bug fixes and support for “await” inside of event handlers 🔥just landed in Alpine.js 2.6.0 Use “await” inside of event handler bindings — Hugo (@
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An ode to Alpine.js
A short issue today but let's start it off with some Alpine love: .@Alpine_JS is seriously underrated — Shritesh Bhattarai (@shritesh) August 13, 2020 When paired with Tailwind and a decade and a
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Detecting key combos in Alpine
It's an Alpine.js kind of summer, tons of new projects are using it. Apparently, even Caleb (creator of Alpine.js) Googles how to listen for key sequences/combos, here's his workaround For the
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Alpine.js translation & inline scripts pre-processing
We've got a couple of great ideas about tools & projects we might need in the Alpine.js community. How would a translation package for Alpine.js look? Is there any need for a Translation
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v2.5.0 and the ultimate Tailwind + Alpine.js site rebuild challenge
The Tailwind Wayback project is a great stress test of the capabilities of Alpine.js and TailwindCSS. Do you wonder what old websites would look like with modern technology? Re-creating snapshots of
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How jQuery -> Alpine reduced lines of code by 82%
For anyone still not sold on Alpine? How about no context switching and no waiting for rebuilds? First time using @Alpine_JS in a real-world context. I can't overstate the joy of not switching
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400k+ Alpine.js CDN hits/month but what version do you run?
Alpine.js got 400k+ JSDeliver CDN hits last month but I would be interested if everyone could fill out the Alpine.js version poll since it seems there's a heavy skew to version 2.3.5 . Interesting
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Alpine.js + TailwindCSS Demo Edition
.@tailwindcss was a big game changer for me the last year or two, but @Alpine_JS is quickly becoming another game changer. It makes simple, pesky stuff so quick and easy. @galengidman This email is
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All-in on JS/CSS/everything in markup?
If you had told me six years ago that I would one day write HTML that looked liked this, I would have called you a lying dog-faced pony soldier. I would never write such horrible markup. …But here we
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Always bet on Alpine.js
There's been a flurry of activity recently on the Alpine.js GitHub repo, it seems like we're getting closer to getting “x-bind object of directives” syntax, which looks like: <div x-data=
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Bye jQuery, Hello Alpine?
Is the following exchange with @horse_js a sign of things to come? jquery was good — Horse JS (@horse_js) May 28, 2020 Until @Alpine_JS Came. — Nishant Singh (@_nscs) May 28, 2020 This email is
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How fast can _you_ learn Alpine.js?
A few courses have been cropping up, the latest of which is Sprinkle declarative, reactive behaviour on your HTML with Alpine JS on by @simonswiss who apparently wrote an Alpine.js course
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Alpine.js developer are you more BALL, TALL or SHAT?
We can safely say that developers enjoy being able to put Alpine.js into “stack” acronyms. What's more, it showcases Alpine.js's flexibility, since it's being integrated in a variety of
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Tips for Alpine.js Productivity
If you still haven't installed them, the latest version of the community devtools is available on Chrome and for Firefox. Not too many demos this week: Count characters typed - AlpineJS by @Xewl
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Tales of Alpine.js adoption
Alpine.js was one of's picks of the week. Tales of Alpine.js adoption: @baselinehq is made with Alpine.js as per @nonken by @jchristopher leverages Alpine.js Tailwind UI
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Alpine.js Devtools Launched
You can now get the Alpine.js Devtools, (repo is Te7a-Houdini/alpinejs-devtools), you can get it as a Chrome Extension or Firefox Add-on. Big thanks to @Te7aHoudini for kickstarting that project, and @
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Take advantage of new Alpine.js community tools
Awesome Alpine now has a podcasts section. We've now got an Alpine.js Discord thanks to Piotr for setting it up As part of Alpine.js Weekly, I've launched a Twitter Collection which is a mix of